
Do you know what’s resonating deeply with me right now?


Part of it comes with age – finally accepting and loving myself for who I am. Another part is letting go of the need for external validation or fitting in. And then there’s the recognition that I only have a finite amount of energy, and I want it to go where it truly matters.

Whenever I do any type of visualization, all I see and feel is simplicity. 

Physical health, mental resilience and energy alignment are about letting go of what doesn’t serve you. It rarely is about doing or adding more to your life. This philosophy is often referred to as: “addition by subtraction”.

It’s in the space and simplicity of slowing down and practicing self-compassion that you connect with your higher self and your higher power.

Letting go of…

➡️ taking things personally
➡️ choosing fear over love 
➡️ doubting yourself
➡️ playing small
➡️ foods & drinks that don’t love you back
➡️ people pleasing
➡️ buying stuff with no purpose 
➡️ clutter
➡️ mindless scrolling
➡️ commitments that take you away from where you truly want to be spending your time
➡️ clothes that no longer fit you but you keep for when you lose the weight (anyone else?)

Letting go is a theme that will keep showing up on your spiritual journey. Take a moment to write down a list of all the things you are open to releasing that don’t serve you well. 

Remember that letting go is a process. It can take years to let go of certain mindsets, commitments or relationships. What matters is your intention. So be extra kind and gentle with yourself in this process. 

Your higher self is cheering you on. 

Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always, remember to slow down and breathe… 

Your dreams are waiting.

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