Try This Manifesting Practice 

There’s a daily manifesting practice that I absolutely love. I teach this in my mastermind and wellness membership. It’s one of my favorite parts of my morning ritual – a gratitude manifesting exercise that I’ve learned and adapted from the Manscripting Journal. Whenever I consistently commit to doing this practice, I can feel a shift in the frequency of my energy. 

You can find the writing prompts below to use in your journal. Try them for 30 days and keep me posted!

Gratitude Manifesting Journaling Prompts:
✨3 things I am grateful for today
✨3 things I am open to receiving today
✨My affirmation for the day: I am…
✨3 inspired actions I will take towards co-creating, manifesting & feeling my best
✨A page of future manifesting writing which begins with: I’m so happy and grateful for… (write how you want to feel and what you want to receive as if it’s already in existence)

✨Draw an oracle card message or read a passage from a book to use as reflection.

There’s also an evening practice that includes a beautiful prayer but I’ll save that for another day😉 

You cannot control most of what happens in life – however, you can control how you choose to respond. Your energy level and its frequency are among your greatest resources. Protect and cultivate them with all you’ve got.

Your highest self is cheering you on! 

Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always, remember to slow down and breathe… 

Your dreams are waiting.

With love & light,

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