Understanding and Healing Your Nervous System

Understanding and healing your nervous system plays a vital role in how you respond to stress and interact with the world around you. It can truly transform your life, helping you find peace and resilience in the face of challenges.

By paying attention to the states of your nervous system – sympathetic (fight/flight/freeze), parasympathetic (rest/digest) and the system governed by the vagus nerve, you can better recognize your body’s signals and activate your state of safety and connection when needed.

Here are three of my favourite techniques to support the healing of your nervous system and enter in a parasympathetic state:

Breathwork: Simple breathing exercises which focus on diaphragmatic breathing can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing stress. Spend a few minutes each day focusing on slow, deep breaths to help soothe your nervous system.

Mindfulness: Mindfulness practices, such as meditation or mindful walking, help to cultivate what I like to call – the pause. In time, you become more conscious of your choices and less reactive to life. You essentially train your nervous system to respond more calmly to stressors.

Legs Up The Wall: This gentle inversion is a restorative yoga pose and somatic practice that involves lying on your back with your legs resting vertically against a wall (or using bolsters to support). It works by using gravity to encourage blood from the extremities (a stress response) to circulate towards the heart and vital organs. This position can alleviate swelling in the legs and feet, reduce fatigue, and enhance overall circulation, making it a soothing practice for relaxation and recovery. Put on some good music, close your eyes and let the blood flow!

Taking time to nurture and heal your nervous system is one of the greatest ways that you can practice self-love.

✨ If you’d like to deepen your knowledge about polyvagal theory, nervous system regulation and practical ways to heal, join me and Brittany McCann for a full day experiential workshop at Yellow Door Studio in Oakville on July 7th 2024. Think of it as a workshop with all the retreat feels. You can sign up at this link – spots are limited.

Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always, remember to slow down and breathe…

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