Love is a Verb

A gentle reminder that love is a verb. It requires action. You love yourself by consistently paying attention to what is showing up and doing your best to honour what you need in the moment.

Self-love builds with every thought and action you choose that honours YOU. Here are 7 ways you can actively love yourself: 

✨Practice self-compassion: Continually ask yourself – what do I need in this moment? Listen and pay attention to what shows up. 

✨Set boundaries: Recognize the situations and people that fuel your energy, and those that drain your energy. Learn to say no as a way to protect your energy and to love yourself. 

✨Forgive yourself: Forgiveness is the ultimate act of love. We often carry unprocessed guilt and shame without realizing. Learn to reframe so-called mistakes and past hurts into lessons. Otherwise, these powerful negative emotions stay stuck and create emotional and physical problems. 

✨Forgive others: The same goes with forgiving others. Forgiveness is not about the other person, it’s about freeing yourself from the burden of anger and resentment. See forgiveness as a gift you are giving yourself.

✨Accept yourself just as you are:  This means letting go of where you thought you should be, and accepting where you are today. The willingness to be present with what is releases tension within yourself and frees you to invite more of what aligns with you.

✨Nourish your mind, body & soul: Choose healthy foods & drinks that fuel your mind & body and that love you back. Not because you should but because you choose to love yourself. This same mindset applies to moving your body, meditating and other rituals that serve you. Bring the intention of love into all these moments knowing that you are actively building the muscle of self-love.

✨Be your own friend: Treat yourself and love yourself as you would your dearest friend or child. 

Above all else, the magic of love is rooted in your spiritual connection. The stronger that connection is, the more you choose love. Fear dissolves in the presence of light. 

Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always, remember to slow down and breathe… 

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