What Do You Want?

I have a question for you.

It’s a simple question, yet often surprisingly challenging to answer:

What do you want?

Why is this question so important to answer? Because it’s in the wanting that you grow and expand into your potential. Getting is simply the by-product of wanting.

Your dreams and desires are not accidental. They are meant for you. Or, you simply wouldn’t have them. Wanting is about creative self-expression. It leads you towards expansion. Ultimately, that is your soul’s purpose: to grow and expand. And, it begins with bringing awareness to what you want and what lights you up. 

So take a moment with your favourite journal, light a candle and write down what you want in all areas of your life. Don’t hold back. Let yourself be free and creative. Have fun with the experience.

Remember this ⬇️ 

It’s less about what you want and more about who you become in the process of going after what you want.

It turns out that wanting is not selfish, but spiritual after all. How amazing is that?

Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always, remember to slow down and breathe… 

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