My Favourite Person Development Books

I wanted to share a few of my favourite classic personal development books with you. They are perfect for any stage of your journey and are even better when read more than once. Happy reading!

1. The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer
This book is life-changing for many reasons. Ultimately, Singer teaches us about the path to inner freedom. While it may not be an easy read for everyone, I encourage you to give it a try. The lessons are incredibly powerful.

2. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
I’ve read this book several times and highly recommend it to students for both its simplicity and depth. The Four Agreements are: Be impeccable with your word, don’t take anything personally, don’t make assumptions, and always do your best. However, the book offers much more than these agreements alone.

3. The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
This book explains really well the powerful concept of the subconscious mind creating upper limits – which are essentially the boundaries we set for ourselves in experiencing love, success and abundance. I also appreciate how he differentiates between the zones of living your purpose – the Zone of Genius versus the Zone of Excellence. His concept of Einstein time is also spot on!

4. The Secrets of Meditation by Davidji
This is a great book for anyone curious about meditation and how it works. If you weren’t convinced of its benefits before, you will be after reading this book!

5. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
This book is a fable about following your dreams. I read it years ago, and since then, I’ve read most of Coelho’s books. He has a unique way of weaving beautiful stories and lessons together. His books make for great, easy yet thought-provoking summer reads!

6. The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
This book is a 12-week program for discovering your creativity. I especially love it for the two main exercises: daily morning pages and weekly artist dates with yourself. If you’re looking for practical ways to connect within, this might just be the book for you.

7. Journey to the Heart by Melodie Beattie
I love keeping this book on my nightstand (or by my yoga mat) for daily inspiration. Each day offers a lesson and meditation that helps connect to the heart. It’s beautiful in so many ways and makes for the perfect gift.

I hope you find these suggestions helpful and inspiring for your own journey. Feel free to hit reply and share your favourite personal growth book with me!

Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always, remember to slow down and breathe…

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