The Grass Isn’t Greener Somewhere Else. The Grass Is Greener Where You Water It.

Have you ever thought that the grass is greener somewhere else?

I recently heard something brilliant on the Bossbabe podcast:

The grass isn’t greener somewhere else. The grass is greener where you water it.

Mic drop. You see, my word this year is deeper. It’s been a call to seek depth rather than breadth. Which, it turns out – is surprisingly challenging to do in a world where we can easily be distracted by what everyone else is doing. The landscape today, especially with social media, has us constantly questioning our choices and looking outside of ourselves.

But, here is what I know… doing more of less is much more powerful than doing less of more. 

Growth and transformation comes from consistency and repetition. 

The challenge happens when we start something, but then get distracted by what someone else is doing. So, we stop and start something else. And in the process, we lose the momentum and the opportunity for depth. 

This applies to every aspect of life. What would happen if you chose to go all in and bring depth to the different areas of your life? How would your relationships change, your health improve and business grow?

The truth is that no one else’s grass is greener. Everyone is navigating some form of challenge in their life. We rarely see the whole picture. Comparison keeps us stuck in a cycle of perpetual longing and searching for more. 

Simplify to amplify.

Sending much love your way. Oh and stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always, remember to slow down and breathe… 

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