What We Think, We Become

A reminder to speak life into what you want.

The subconscious mind is wired for survival and protection. Its actual job is to look out for all the possible dangers and threats to keep you safe. As a result, it naturally has a bias towards negativity.

Here’s the good news. YOU are not negative, your thoughts are simply negative. When you understand this distinction, you can begin to create different neural pathways. YOU (the Higher Self) are the one with the power. You’ve just perhaps been letting the subconscious mind run the show, instead of working with it.

Now, if the mind is wired for survival, the heart is wired for expansion. The path to transformation begins with speaking and breathing life into what you want. Whether it’s…

Unconditional love

Speak it. Feel it. Breathe life into it. Choose to focus on the possibilities, instead of reaffirming what already is. You’ll be amazed at the shifts that begin to happen when you do this.

As Buddha said: What we think, we become.

I’ve been deep in learning how to heal and reprogram the subconscious mind this year. As always, I’m looking at it through a spiritual lens. I’m looking forward to sharing much more on this with you soon!

Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always, remember to slow down and breathe…

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