Less Risk Can Be More Risk.

Being married to an investment advisor for the past 25 years has given me a front-row seat to some interesting insights. Let’s just say there is a lot of finance talk in my house!

One popular topic of discussion and something I’ve heard my husband say a few times is: Less risk can be more risk.

Some investors live in a constant world of fear. This can lead to poor decision making. Often, this type of investor, is overweighted in low yielding “guaranteed” investments – rather than having a well balanced portfolio with greater return potential over time. Therefore, by avoiding one risk, they’ve created a bigger one – facing a meager retirement or even worse, outliving their money.

This concept doesn’t just apply to finance. It applies to many aspects of life – whether it’s our relationships, our careers, or our personal growth. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that no longer serve us, but we stay because of our fear of the unknown. When the real risk might actually be in staying put – never taking that chance to find something better.

knowledge + action + healthy risk = success

Now, as I recently shared in this very journal – on the flip side, we have to watch out for the tendency to always think the grass is greener elsewhere. The key is to discern when it’s time to take that leap of faith and when it’s best to nurture what we have.

We can apply this success formula to the spiritual world as well.

Intuition + action + surrender = inspired life

Often the most transformative experiences come when we step out of our comfort zone. It happens when we surrender to the unknown and let the Universe work its magic. Sure – it can feel risky, but the rewards on the other side often make the leap worth it.

So, is less risk more risk? In many cases, yes. Lean into your inner knowing, embrace the uncertainty, take action, and then trust. The key to success – whether in finances or life, requires some faith and a whole lot of courage.
Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always, remember to slow down and breathe… 

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