You Could Actually Be Addicted To A Dysregulated Nervous System

Have you ever found yourself in a calm moment, only to feel restless or even bored? It might sound strange, but you could actually be addicted to a dysregulated nervous system. In simpler terms, you might be addicted to stress.

I know it seems odd. But think about it – when we go through periods of constant stress (and let’s be honest, most of us do), our bodies start to operate on stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. These chemicals flood our system, keeping us in a heightened state of alertness, ready to face whatever comes our way. Over time, this becomes our new normal.

So what happens when the chaos finally subsides? When life slows down and you actually start to regulate your nervous system and remove those stressors? The truth is that it can feel… uncomfortable. I’ve had clients describe this as feeling bored, restless or even uneasy. Your body is so used to that adrenaline rush that when it’s gone, you almost don’t know what to do with yourself.

And here’s where it gets tricky. This is often the point where people unconsciously start to self-sabotage or create new stress just to get that familiar “high” back. It’s a cycle that can be hard to break, and it all starts with awareness.

The key is to recognize these patterns and give yourself time to adjust to this new, regulated state. As strange as it seems, it takes practice to get used to feeling calm. However – with consistency, you can rewire your nervous system to thrive in peace rather than chaos.

Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always, remember to slow down and breathe… 

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