Keeping Calm in Stressful Situations

Yup, I lost it.

Big time.

One of the key positive shifts that’s happened as a result of my spiritual practice, has been my ability to respond rather than react to life’s challenges. The space I’ve cultivated in my meditations has given me a greater awareness of how I engage with stressors (most of the time). But recently, let me tell you, this resilience was put to the test.

You see, we’re in the process of moving and it made me see a side of myself I hadn’t fully acknowledged before. Let me explain.

I’m a bit of a planner and I take pride in my efficiency. Whether it’s running errands or in my business, I’m all about mapping out the quickest and best way to get things done. That’s generally a good thing, right?

Then came the unpacking.

With a major home renovation happening soon, I was determined to be strategic. I found myself meticulously planning out each unpacking decision, trying to anticipate every future possible scenario during the renovations. But here’s the thing – I was layering on so much stress by overthinking every detail that it became overwhelming and I felt stuck. Hijacked by my nervous system. I had to lose it to realize that something had to change.

It was – as we call it, an a-ha moment. I needed to let go of perfection and embrace imperfection. So, I started unpacking without overanalyzing every decision. And you know what? A wave of relief washed over me. Every action created momentum and I started to feel lighter. I could see and feel the progress as the end result was taking shape. Practicing self-compassion meant accepting that the process wouldn’t be seamless. I needed to simply do my best in the moment and let go of the rest.

You see it wasn’t about the unpacking, it was about the way in which I was approaching the unpacking. And it made me reflect on how often I cause unnecessary tension and stress in other areas of my life.

Planning ahead strategically? Absolutely.

Overthinking and trying to control every detail? Not so much.

So if you are feeling overwhelmed in certain areas, take a moment to consider if there is another way you can show up? Perhaps you can’t change the situation, but maybe you can approach it differently?

Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always, remember to slow down and breathe… unless you’re moving then it’s time to go unpack🫠

Your dreams are waiting.

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