Mastering the Art of Mindful Scheduling: Creating Space in Your Calendar

As September quickly approaches, one of the most effective ways to infuse a sense of ease into your days and weeks is by deliberately curating your calendar. Over the years, I’ve come to realize that the levels of stress and overwhelm I experience, are intricately tied to my schedule.

These days, my favourite weekly ritual involves dedicating a portion of Sundays to planning my upcoming week. I map it out visually, so I can see a clear overview of what lies ahead. This practice also helps me focus on the space that I have deliberately created in my schedule.

I made a decision a while ago to consciously let go of being in a state of perpetual busyness. While there’s much happening around me, I’m choosing to focus on the freedom within my schedule. Because I do believe that freedom is a choice.

Choose to bring awareness to the SPACE in your calendar. Make a decision to focus on the time you do have instead of focusing on the time you don’t have. Feel the time expand with this awareness.

Here are a few more ideas to help you create space in your calendar:

  1. Weekly Mindful Check-In: Dedicate a set time each week to review and refine your calendar. This practice helps you stay aligned with your intentions and priorities, giving you the opportunity to adjust as needed.
  2. Firm Yes’s and No’s: Set clear boundaries regarding what you will accept and decline in your calendar. By learning to say no to activities that don’t resonate with your goals, you create space for what truly matters.
  3. Protected Open Slots: Designate specific time blocks in your week that you intentionally leave open. A simple yet effective technique is to note; do not book anything in your phone calendar during these times, making sure you don’t accidentally overbook. This has helped me so much!
  4. Family Coordination: Engage in open conversations with your family. Sharing your intentions for creating space in your calendar helps everyone.

Let’s not forget the beauty of spontaneity. Space in your calendar allows room for the unexpected; those little pockets of time where you can simply follow your heart’s desire. As you nurture this habit of keeping space in your calendar, watch how it transforms not just your schedule, but your entire outlook on life. After all, it’s the spaces between the notes that make the music truly beautiful. So, embrace the art of scheduling with intention, and give yourself the luxury of time.

Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always remember to slow down and breathe…

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