A Quick No is Always Easier Than Unwinding a Yes

I recently came across this gem on the Earn your Happy podcast that I wanted to share with you…


A quick no is always easier than unwinding a yes. 


Bam! It made me pause and think of the two sides of making decisions. As a self proclaimed people pleaser, learning to say no and to set boundaries has been a big challenge for me. However, I’ve come a long way in shifting my mindset. 


The reality is that every decision we make comes with its own set of consequences –  some feel good and some don’t. Learning to bring awareness to the inherent duality of everything you do: the pain of saying yes and the pain of saying no – can be incredibly empowering.


For example, a frequent topic of discussion when coaching business owners, revolves around charging more for their services. For some reason, women struggle with this issue a lot. It can feel very difficult to ask for more, but what we often forget is how it feels to say yes to an energy exchange that isn’t aligned. The decision is to either accept the pain of asking or the delayed pain of feeling devalued. Either way, some discomfort is present. 


It’s often the same when it comes to health related decisions. We can either confront the discomfort and additional effort of taking care of ourselves now – by exercising and eating well or face the discomfort of the consequences later in life.


It sounds a bit harsh – yet sometimes, this is what we need in order to choose differently. Because here is an even harsher truth: what we actually fear most is the unknown. So, we would rather remain with the pain of what is because it feels familiar.


Ultimately, the cost of delaying the difficult – the cost of ignoring our intuition, compromising our boundaries and settling for less than we deserve – is far greater. 


Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always remember to slow down and breathe…

Your dreams are waiting. 

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