What’s Meant For You, Can’t Miss You. 

There’s a saying that keeps coming up in many of my conversations recently… 
What’s meant for you, can’t miss you.

It shows up during uncertain times.
It shows up when FOMO (fear of missing out) makes an appearance.
It shows up alongside decision making overwhelm.

The reality is that surrendering to the unknown is not easy.
Our brains are simply wired for certainty.
Yet ultimately, we always have two choices: to resist or to go with the flow of life.
This saying is a gentle nudge and reminder
that the experiences and connections that are meant to be, will inevitably find their way to us.

So, the next time you find yourself challenged with uncertainty
or feeling the weight of decision-making on your shoulders,
take a deep breath and remember: What’s meant for you, can’t miss you. 
Trust in the journey, trust in yourself, and trust that the
Universe has a way of aligning things just as they’re meant to be.

Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always remember to slow down and breathe…

Your dreams are waiting. 
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