What I’m Reading Right Now

What’s on your bookshelf?
Something tells me that if you receive this Wellness Journal, chances are you also enjoy the company of a good book just as much as I do. One of the most popular blogs I’ve shared featured my top 10 personal development book recommendations. 
Personally, I love keeping a diverse mix of books close by – and lately, I’ve been really enjoying listening to audiobooks while running errands or doing chores. So let’s get cozy and talk books as I share my five latest reads. 📚
1. “10x is Easier Than 2x” by Dan Sullivan & Dr. Benjamin Hardy: I’m still currently reading this book but am thoroughly enjoying the concept (with a side of healthy resistance😉). A good book is one that stirs something within and makes you think outside of the box. The idea here is that goals that are 10x bigger, are often easier to achieve than goals that are 2x bigger. The reason being that 10x requires you to go deep on a few things rather than broad on many things. Given that my word for the year is deeper, you bet I’m all in on this concept.
2. “The Creative Act” by Rick Rubin: I really enjoyed this book as it’s a journey through the magic and messiness of the creative process – something which I find truly intriguing. The famous music producer shares many anecdotes and nuggets of wisdom that’ll make you see creativity in a whole new light.
3. “Dying to be Me” by Anita Moorjani: I loved this book. The author shares the story of her miraculous recovery from cancer after a near death experience. She explains the experience of death and consciousness in a beautiful and profound way. If you’re ready for a heart-opening story and a fresh perspective on what it means to truly live (& die), this one’s a must-read.
4. “We are the Luckiest” by Laura McKowen: I couldn’t resist downloading this book after listening to a podcast episode of We Can Do Hard Things. Laura’s journey of overcoming alcoholism, seen through the lens of gratitude, is very powerful. Her raw vulnerability is like a breath of fresh air – touching and inspiring. Laura shares the perspective that hitting rock bottom can be an unexpected gift, guiding you to heal and grow in ways you might never have explored otherwise. While the book shares her experience with alcohol, its wisdom applies to whatever “thing” – as she calls it, someone uses to numb themselves from life.
5. “The Source” by Dr. Tara Swart: I so appreciate this book because it brings together the science of the brain and the cosmic secrets of the Universe. Dr. Swart does a fabulous job explaining how we can master our minds to create the life of our dreams. We’re actually reading The Source in the Wellness Membership this month! We’ll be exploring this book together beginning this Tuesday, and sharing favourite insights that we can apply directly into our life to continue expanding. Sign up for your free month to join the book discussion. 
What’s on your reading list? Share your current book obsessions with me by replying to this email. 📖✨
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