Release to Reveal

Have you ever thought about how pieces of art are created? It turns out that the artistic process can teach us a lot about ourselves. 

In all my years of studying spirituality and personal development, there is one concept that is always present: letting go. Spiritual practices are actually designed to support us in letting go of all the non-essentials, so we can remember who we are.

When the famous artist Michelangelo sculpted the David, he began with a vision and a big block of marble. What makes this story so interesting, is that instead of going about creating the famous sculpture, he took a different approach. His process focused on removing every piece of marble that wasn’t David. He knew and felt David was in there, he simply needed to release what was in his way.

There is power in seeing yourself as David. You are whole and complete exactly as you are. Nothing more is needed. The work really is about freeing yourself from what is weighing you down and getting in the way of revealing your true brilliance.

Instead of asking yourself what more do I need, ask yourself what you can release in order to reveal more of who you are.

Because just like David, YOU are a masterpiece.

Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always remember to slow down and breathe…

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