Organization and Productivity

Do you know what fires me up? Organization and productivity. Yep, I’m that person who’s read lots of books on the subject, always on the lookout for the best ways to boost efficiency. Along the way, I’ve experimented with various systems – some a bit too complicated to last. However, a few concepts have stood the test of time. Here are my top 5 favourites:

1. The Pomodoro Technique:
Introduced to me by a dear friend, this technique has been very helpful – especially for tasks I’m more likely to avoid. Set a timer for 25 minutes, dive into your task and reward yourself with a quick 5-minute breather. Rinse and repeat as necessary. Often, all it takes is that initial nudge to get started. Almost anyone can power through for 25 minutes. Feel free to adjust the length of time to your liking. 

2. Weekly Planning:
Sundays have become my favourite productivity day with a weekly planning ritual. It’s a simple strategy that helps to clear the mind and identify priorities. I like to begin by visually mapping out my physical meetings, giving me a clear snapshot of the week ahead. Then, I jot down the tasks that need to be prioritized, referring to my monthly and quarterly goals to stay on course. The Hemlock & Oak planner has been a great tool for this. 

3. Limit Decisions:
Ever heard of decision fatigue? Living in a world of constant information and endless choices can easily drain your mental energy. If you’re the chef at home, you get it – how many times have you asked for dinner suggestions just to avoid the decision process? Minimize decision-making to optimize your day. Plan your outfit the night before, pre-determine meals, schedule workouts, and map out your tasks – allowing room for flexibility, of course. I’ve found limiting my practical choices to be incredibly helpful. Hence, this new pull towards minimalism. 

4. Ritualize your Tasks:
This concept has helped me the most in maintaining consistent productivity in both work and well-being. Identify the daily tasks that are most important or generate momentum. Then, ritualize the tasks so they become a sacred part of your day. My day begins with meditation and writing to ground and center myself. I then block off an hour every morning for creative work. I keep the candle lit and sit in my favourite spot. Even though these are work activities, it doesn’t feel like work because I’m tapping into an inspired flow.

Which leads me to…

5. Focus on Flow:
The true magic lies in shifting your mindset from merely getting things done to creating an environment that nurtures your creative flow. Because it’s in the flow where things get done with ease.

Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always remember to slow down and breathe…

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