There’s a New Buzz Word in Town and it’s Making me Oh So Happy.

There’s a new buzz word in town and it’s making me oh so happy. It certainly isn’t a new word or topic, but the release of a new book is finally giving it the attention it deserves. What’s the topic you ask? 


Jamie Kern Lima’s new book – WORTHY: How to Believe You Are Enough and Transform Your Life, is based on a fundamental truth. “You don’t become what you want, you become what you believe you’re worthy of: in life, in love, in friendships, in your career, and in your hopes and dreams.”

As we navigate through life, we encounter experiences that shape our perception of ourselves. These experiences, whether positive or negative, influence our personal beliefs and mindset – including our sense of self-worth. Yet, our worthiness was always designed to stand on its own. It shouldn’t be determined by external circumstances or the opinions of others. Worthiness is an innate aspect of your being that remains constant (or at least should remain constant), regardless of external circumstances. It’s pretty much the inner setting on how you feel about yourself and what you believe you deserve. Only through taking a spiritual approach to self-worth myself, was I ever able to understand the depth of this truth. 

One of my favorite quotes on this topic is from The Complete Guide to Chakras and it says this: “Once we realize we are worthy, simply because we exist, we free our life force and liberate energy for living.” This quote explains beautifully the essence of self-worth: a realization that we are born inherently worthy and deserving of limitless love, abundance, and fulfillment.

Limitless, because our worth has no limitations. 

Ultimately, our journey towards embracing our self-worth is deeply personal and transformative. Self-love and self-worth go hand in hand shaping not only the lens in which we perceive life, but also what we attract into our life. It’s about being connected with your true essence, and stepping into your power.

Worthiness also happens to be our topic this month in our Meditation Masterclasses. Join us this Tuesday evening as we examine the difference between self-confidence and self-worth, while learning tangible ways to empower our sense of self. 

Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always, remember to slow down and breathe…

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