There’s a Duality in Exploring the Universe’s Secrets and Manifestation

There is a duality that exists when it comes to exploring the secrets of the universe and manifestation. It’s one that I’ve reflected on and discussed with some of my “spiritual besties” at length. Let me explain…

I firmly believe in the power of our thoughts shaping our reality. It’s the fundamental principle of the law of attraction: our mindset influences our energy, which in turn attracts our experiences. Yet, amidst this process of manifestation, there is another profound truth at play: our interconnectedness. One of my favourite spiritual teachers – Michael Singer, likes to remind us that we’re just standing on a little ball of dirt spinning around one of the stars. Perhaps it’s a bit harsh (I personally love his humour), yet a perfect illustration that there is so much at play in this Universe that is beyond our ability to perceive or understand.

Within this vast cosmic experience is also the fact that our inherent purpose, both individually and collectively, is to continuously evolve. Expansion is part of our true nature. 

Understanding and exploring this cosmic dance can be both healing and transformative. It’s a beautiful reminder that our life experience is meant to bring about circumstances and encounters that help us grow. Our role is to remain open and invite enough stillness so we can pay attention to what is happening within and around us. Harville Hendrix says it brilliantly: “The universe is interested in your growth more than your happiness.” Personally, I have found this helpful in reframing obstacles and challenges as opportunities for expansion. 

So I leave you today not with an answer, but with an invitation. An invitation to open yourself up to the miracles at play around you. 

Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always remember to slow down and breathe…

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