Celebrating the hard stuff

I recently posted a highlight reel on Instagram. For the one person who doesn’t know what it is (cough – my husband ), it’s a compilation of photos reflecting things that essentially make you happy. I love seeing these reels, but I always feel resistance when posting and here’s why…


For every success that comes in life, there are undoubtedly many anxious and trying moments that came along with it. We need to learn to also celebrate the moments of hard work, doubt, fear, frustration and perseverance.


My daughter was a national level figure skater. She experienced a lot of success in her sport – medaling both at provincial and national levels. And I remember always feeling resistance about sharing her success because I knew that for every competition that went well, there were so many other difficult moments – many falls, tough car rides home, weekly physio to heal injuries and so much more… Sometimes, it all came together and paid off with a great celebration. However, what about all the times when it didn’t work out? Were they less worthy of praise?


It reminds me of the famous image of an iceberg in the ocean. All we see is the tip of the iceberg, when the real power lies in the hidden part way in the depth of the ocean.


Now don’t get me wrong, celebrating your successes is incredibly important! However, let’s normalize the hard & mundane stuff. Because that’s where the actual growth and expansion happens.


Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always remember to slow down and breathe…

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