3 Key Points to Consider when Setting Goals with SOUL

Can you feel the energy of this new year? Even though every day is an opportunity for a new start, there is something extra special in the air when a new year begins. January is a great time to pause, check in with yourself and see if your energy is actually going towards what is meaningful to you. Setting goals is a great way to remind yourself that you have the power to be intentional about what you want to create.


Here are three key points to keep in mind when setting goals…


  • It’s not as much about the goal as it is about the intention or feeling behind the goal. The more you spend time connecting to the feeling you wish to create, the more meaning the goal has and the more you are likely to show up for it. You are adding the powerful ingredient of soul to your goals when you come from a place of being versus doing.
  • Focus on creating rituals behind your goals. Most goals require consistent actions. Whether it’s being strong & energetic in your body, feeling at ease in your heart, writing a book or building a successful business…etc. All goals require showing up daily in some way. When you focus on the rituals behind the goals, it feels less overwhelming and far more achievable. It is a choice to embrace the process rather than the outcome. You can’t always control outcomes, but you can choose how you show up in the process.
  • The real magic is letting go of the attachment to the goal – surrendering. This is where you hold the intention AND trust in the power of the universe. Have faith that your goals will manifest in a way that serves your highest good. Surrendering means accepting that your goals may change or evolve over time. Your work is to focus on your desired feeling and to take inspired action. Keep your heart open to receive. Trust that all is unfolding exactly how it should. Surrender the outcome.

    Take some time to celebrate how far you have come and to open your heart to a space of infinite possibilities. 


Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always remember to slow down and breathe…

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