3 Key Points to Consider when Setting Goals with SOUL

I’m finding myself in that familiar space of contemplation, reflecting on the goals and intentions I want to bring into my life this year. Alongside setting intentions, I love to align myself with a word that represents the energy I aspire to embody. It’s a word that acts as my compass, guiding my decisions and journey for the year. I also give myself permission to allow for the word to evolve so it doesn’t keep me stuck. What I’ve found so far is, that every year my word supports and guides me in some unique way.


The word calling me this year is a little unexpected. I usually resonate with expansive terms – words like elevate, co-create, lighter, trust, adventure. However, the energy calling out to me now is decidedly more grounded – DEEPER.


For someone perpetually striving for more, I’m receiving the message to go deeper, not bigger.


One of the techniques I often use when teaching meditation involves envisioning the ocean. At it’s surface, the ocean is in perpetual movement – with both light & turbulent waves and the occasional storm. Yet, within the depth of the ocean, lies unwavering stillness. Meditation in essence, is about connecting with that constant stillness that resides below the activity on the surface. There is a profound power in seeking depth rather than breadth.


Deeper in my spiritual connection.
Deeper in my relationships.
Deeper in my health. 
Deeper in my work. 


This feels good. For some reason a little intimidating – but good. That’s how I know it’s the right word. It stirs something within me. It taps into the part of me that yearns for depth.


I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on a word that resonates for you in 2024. Release the pressure of choosing the perfect word and instead, focus on the feeling it evokes. 


Here’s to going deeper… whatever that may look like for you. 


Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always remember to slow down and breathe…

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