The journey back to yourself

There is something powerful that happens when you ask yourself this simple question: what do I want? 


Now here’s the thing… when I first started my self discovery journey, I had no idea what I wanted. I remember my life coach asking me that very question in a session and I went completely blank. I hadn’t realized until that very moment that I had spent most of my life doing what I thought was expected of me. It’s not that I was unhappy, I just wasn’t clear on what I truly wanted. I had lost myself in the process of being what I thought everyone else wanted me to be. 


It took time and a lot of awareness, before I was able to begin discerning the voice of my higher self. 


If this resonates with you, here are a few things to keep in mind on your journey back to self.


  • Create as much quiet time as you can.
  • Learn to listen deeply.
  • Be kind to yourself.
  • Be patient.

    I recently heard someone say that patience – much like awareness, is an acceptance of what is. Whereas, impatience is a struggle with reality. The description is right on. Acceptance is key to the process of coming back to yourself.

    This journey has no checkpoints or timeline. It’s a process that is continuously unfolding. 

    Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always remember to slow down and breathe…



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