The Ultimate Balancing Act

Have you ever felt the profound paradox that exists between honouring what you want in the moment and what your future self actually needs? It’s a challenge | often confront. Let me share an example.

– Imagine a scenario where you’ve just wrapped up an exhausting, demanding day. All you want is to pour yourself the largest glass of wine or dive into a bag of chips and lose yourself in front of the TV. It’s tempting, no doubt.

However, what you actually need is a nice long bath, an inspiring book and an early bedtime to recharge.

I think of this often. I don’t always feel like doing yoga. However, I know that deep down my future self (who is currently bending down tying her shoes), is cheering me on to get on my mat and stay flexible!

“The ultimate act of self love is balancing what you need today with what your higher self needs tomorrow.” Roxie Nafousi

It’s in the balance of honouring what you need today, along with what your higher self needs in the future, that you uncover the essence of true self-love.

There’s no reason to feel shame in seeking comfort. The challenge arises when immediate gratification becomes the norm, defining our way of life. Our modern world is a constant source of instant dopamine hits – from food to TV, to the ever-present allure of social media.

This wellness journey often comes down to finding that sweet spot between your wants and needs of today and your future self. Honouring both sides of this delicate balance is where the magic happens.

When you feel the tug between these two forces, consider taking a pause and asking yourself: “What is it that I want in this very moment, and what is it that my future self needs?” By exploring this duality, you can begin to discover the ways to honour both. You can nurture both your present and future with grace and selí-compassion.


Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always remember to slow down and breathe…


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