Where you find spiritual growth

There’s a theme that keeps showing up lately both in my personal life and in coaching sessions with clients. 

The key to growing on a spiritual level (and in most areas of life) is to be willing to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Real growth happens outside the comfort zone. In yoga, we learn to find our edge and soften – allowing space for the body to open and release. The famous yogi B.K.S. Iyengar says: “The pose begins when you want to leave it.” The same mindset holds true off your mat.

Part of the lesson begins with accepting that fear & discomfort will always be along for the ride when you choose to live authentically. Your power lies in making the decision to push through and move beyond these limitations.

As you may know, I’m a huge fan of meditation. However, the biggest shifts don’t happen during meditation, they happen later in the midst of challenges and conflict. Meditation helps you create the awareness to recognize the freedom and power you have to respond in the challenging moments.

One of my favourite coaching question is: are you willing? Are you willing to move through the resistance or discomfort in order to create or invite more of what you want? It’s a constant practice of exploring your edge – over and over. It isn’t magic. However, it has the power to create magic. 

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