Gaining Clarity by Rising Above

Have you ever worked with oracle cards?

Every yogi gets a card on Fridays after our restorative stretch class and it’s been a favourite with the Wellness Membership. Personally, I like to draw one as part of my morning ritual. Not as a predictor of the future, but as an opportunity to reflect on a message for the day. It’s pretty cool how the right message always seems to come along just when I need it.

One card in particular came up multiple times this week both for myself and for others. It feels right to share it with you here just in case you also need this message. It was a reminder that clarity comes from rising above a situation. It pictures a beautiful dove flying high above the earth seeing things from a higher perspective. Even though we cannot physically do this, we have the power mentally & emotionally to disconnect from a situation in order to see things in a new way.

It reminds me of one of my favourite quotes –

“The key to gaining clarity is to actually step away from the problem or the situation. Hold the intention of inviting clarity. However, instead of trying to figure out the solution, allow for it to come to you.”

Let it go. Breathe. Exercise. Meditate. Go for a walk. Dance. Do whatever helps you not be in the situation so you can invite new energy and see it with fresh eyes. Most importantly, give it time – sometimes it may be hours, other times it can be days, weeks or even months.

Quite often the best micro decisions actually come from viewing it from a macro perspective. (Once in a while my economics degree still comes into play😉)

Stay calm & healthy my friend. And as always remember to slow down and breathe…

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